Marine Mammal Ecology Lab
seals lounging on a log

Current MSc Students

Alexandrea Otto

Alexandrea Otto on a research vessel

(2022-present) Genetic similarity in harbor seal haul-out sites.

Co-advised with Dr. Dietmar Schwarz.

Alexandrea will determine based on DNA collected from harbor seal scat the degree of genetic similarity among haul-out sites in the Salish Sea relative to distance.

Victoria Vinecke

Victoria Vinecke in the forest

(2022-present) Factors influencing hatchery salmon conservation.

Co-advised with Dr. Dietmar Schwarz.

Victoria will collect eDNA from Whatcom Creek in Bellingham, WA, to genetically identify harbor seal sex ratios, other marine species present in the water, and potential pathogens that could facilitate salmon population decline.

Zoe Hosford

Zoe under sunset light

(2024-present) Foraging behavior of harbor seals.

Co-advised with Dr. Dietmar Schwarz.

Zoe will study the potential effects of hypoxic regions on the foraging behavior and diet of harbor seasl in the Salish Sea.

Dawson Little

Dawson in a research vessel

(2024-present) Foraging ecology of river otters.

Co-advised with Dr. Dietmar Schwarz.

Dawson will study the foraging ecology of river otters in the norhtwest corner of the Olympic Peninsula, Washington State.