Presentations in Student Meetings
(*WWU undergraduate student, **WWU graduate student, former student)
Mijares, M.* 2024. mtDNA variation in harbor seals in Washington State. MACS Capstone presentation, WWU, Bellingham.
Mijares, M.* 2024. mtDNA variation in harbor seals in Washington State. Seminar Honors, WWU, Bellingham.
Gard, M. & Mezzone, J.* 2024. Harbor seal response to the release of hatchery-raised Chinook salmon. Scholars’ Week, WWU, Bellingham.
Balaban, O.* 2024. Sex-specific trophic impacts of harbor seals in a Salish Sea ecosystem model. Scholars’ Week, WWU, Bellingham.
McCutcheon, J.* 2024. The influence of in-air noise on the behavior of harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) at the water’s surface. Scholars’ Week, WWU, Bellingham.
Vinecke, V.** 2024. Individual haplotyping and sex determination of harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) utilizing estuary water environmental DNA. Scholars’ Week, WWU, Bellingham.
Shier, I.*, Mijares, M.* & Otto, A.** 2024. Using mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) to describe the genetic population structure of harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) in Washington State. Scholars’ Week, WWU, Bellingham.
Otto, A.** 2024. The genetic population structure of harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) in Washington State. Scholars’ Week, WWU, Bellingham.
Otto, A.**, Mijares, M.* & Shier, I.* 2024.What are the genetically distinct populations of harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) in Washington State? Scholars’ Week, WWU, Bellingham.
Balaban, O.* 2024. Sex-specific trophic impacts of harbor seals in a Salish Sea ecosystem model. 27th Meeting of the Society for Marine Mammalogy NW Student Chapter, Seattle.
McCutcheon, J.* & Bankhead, K. 2024. The influence of in-air noise on the behavior of harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) at the water’s surface. 27th Meeting of the Society for Marine Mammalogy NW Student Chapter, Seattle.
Gard, M. & Mezzone, J.* 2024. Harbor seal response to the release of hatchery-raised Chinook salmon. 27th Meeting of the Society for Marine Mammalogy NW Student Chapter, Seattle.
Recob, H.* & Duffy, M.* 2024. Sex ratios of habor seals (Phoca vitulina) haul-out sites in the Salish Sea. 27th Meeting of the Society for Marine Mammalogy NW Student Chapter, Seattle.
Shier, I.*, Mijares, M.* & Otto, A.** 2024. Using mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) to describe the genetic population structure of harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) in Washington State. 27th Meeting of the Society for Marine Mammalogy NW Student Chapter, Seattle. Best poster presentation.
Otto, A.** 2024. The genetic population structure of harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) in Washington State. 27th Meeting of the Society for Marine Mammalogy NW Student Chapter, Seattle.
Vinecke, V.** 2024. Sex determination of photo-identified harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) utilizing aquatic environmental DNA. 27th Meeting of the Society for Marine Mammalogy NW Student Chapter, Seattle.
Conwell, H.* 2023. Dine & dash: changing harbor seal numbers and habitat use at the developing Bellingham waterfront. Seminar Honors, WWU, Bellingham.
Gard, M.* 2023. Seals and salmon: examining harbor seal predation impacts on Bellingham Technical College’s salmon smolt release. Seminar Honors, WWU, Bellingham.
Otto, A.** 2023. Genetic population structure of harbor seals’ (Phoca vitulina) subpopulations in the Salish Sea. Scholars’ Week, WWU, Bellingham.
Conwell, H.* 2023. Sex-specific diet of harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) in the Salish Sea. Scholars’ Week, WWU, Bellingham.
Vinecke, V.** 2023. Individual haplotyping and sex determination of harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) utilizing estuary water environmental DNA. 26th Meeting of the Society for Marine Mammalogy NW Student Chapter, Newport.
Otto, A.** 2023. Genetic population structure of harbor seals’ (Phoca vitulina) subpopulations in the Salish Sea. 26th Meeting of the Society for Marine Mammalogy NW Student Chapter, Newport.
Conwell, H.* 2023. Sex-specific diet of harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) in the Salish Sea. 26th Meeting of the Society for Marine Mammalogy NW Student Chapter, Newport.
Conwell, H.*. 2022. Sex-specific diet of harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) in the Salish Sea. Biology Summer Undergraduate Research Program, WWU, Bellingham.
Clayton, K.* & McKeegan, K.** 2022. Short-term effectiveness of Targeted Acoustic Startle Technology on the foraging success of individual harbor seals. Student Poster Presentation, Space Grant Poster Session and Challenge Day (online), University of Washington, Seattle.
Clayton, K.* & McKeegan, K.** 2022. Short-term effectiveness of Targeted Acoustic Startle Technology on the foraging success of individual harbor seals. Student Poster Presentation, Scholars’ Week, WWU, Bellingham.
Gard, M.* & Lewis, Z.** 2022. Genotyping of Steller sea lions. Student Poster Presentation, Scholars’ Week, WWU, Bellingham.
Conwell, H.* & Lewis, Z.** 2022. Differential diet of female and male harbor seals in the Salish Sea. Student Poster Presentation, Scholars’ Week, WWU, Bellingham.
Bankhead, K.* 2022. The potential effect of anthropogenic noise on hauled-out numbers of harbor seals. Student Poster Presentation, Scholars’ Week, WWU, Bellingham.
Lewis, Z.** 2022. Predation impacts of coastal pinnipeds, harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) and Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus),on the iconic Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). 25th Meeting of the Society for Marine Mammalogy NW Student Chapter (online), Vancouver, Canada.
McKeegan, K.** & Clayton, K.* 2022. Non-lethal management of predators: effectiveness of Targeted Acoustic Startle Technology on the foraging success of individual harbor seals. 25th Meeting of the Society for Marine Mammalogy NW Student Chapter (online), Vancouver, Canada.
Gard, M.* & Lewis, Z.** 2022. Genotyping of Steller sea lions. 25th Meeting of the Society for Marine Mammalogy NW Student Chapter (online), Vancouver, Canada.
Conwell, H.* & Lewis, Z.** 2022. Differential diet of female and male harbor seals in the Salish Sea. 25th Meeting of the Society for Marine Mammalogy NW Student Chapter (online), Vancouver, Canada.
Bankhead, K.* 2022. The potential effect of anthropogenic noise on hauled-out numbers of harbor seals. 25th Meeting of the Society for Marine Mammalogy NW Student Chapter (online), Vancouver, Canada.
Freeman, G.** 2021. Individual variability of foraging success in harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) on Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.). Graduate Student Symposium, Scholars’ Week (online), WWU, Bellingham.
Buzzel, B.** 2021. Exploring biotic resistance via river otter predation on the invasive European green crab: not the preferred fare? 2021 Science of the Service, Columbia-Pacific Northwest & Pacific Islands Regions, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (online). May.
Buzzel, B.** 2021. Exploring biotic resistance via river otter predation on the invasive European green crab: not the preferred fare? Graduate Student Symposium, Scholars’ Week (online), WWU, Bellingham.
Freeman, G.** 2021. Individual variability of foraging success in harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) on Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.). 24th Meeting of the Society for Marine Mammalogy NW Student Chapter (online), Bellingham.
Buzzell, B.** 2021. River otter diet on the lower Wa’atch and Tsoo-Yess river estuaries in Washington State: exploring the potential for mitigation of the invasive European Green Crab. 24th Meeting of the Society for Marine Mammalogy NW Student Chapter (online), Bellingham.
Lewis, Z.** 2021. Predation impacts of coastal pinnipeds, harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) and Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus),on the iconic Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). 24th Meeting of the Society for Marine Mammalogy NW Student Chapter (online), Bellingham.
McKeegan, K.** & Clayton, K.* 2021. Non-lethal management of predators: effectiveness of Targeted Acoustic Startle Technology on the foraging success of individual harbor seals. 24th Meeting of the Society for Marine Mammalogy NW Student Chapter (online), Bellingham.
Bankhead, K.* 2021. The potential effect of anthropogenic noise on hauled-out numbers of harbor seals. 24th Meeting of the Society for Marine Mammalogy NW Student Chapter (online), Bellingham.
Adams, D.* 2020. Do harbor seals hunt together? Seminar Honors (online), WWU, Bellingham.
Krueger, H.* 2020. Investigating the microbial community associated with harbor seal (Phoca vitulina) haul-out sites in Whatcom Waterway, Bellingham, WA. Student Poster Presentation, Scholars’ Week (online), WWU, Bellingham.
Aist, A.* 2019. Attitudes towards harbors seal presence in downtown Bellingham, WA Seminar Honors, WWU, Bellingham.
Blubaugh, J.** 2019. Impacts of mixed trophic interactions in the Southern Salish Sea: are seals saving the salmon? Graduate Student Symposium, Scholars’ Week, WWU, Bellingham.
Guilford, N.** 2019. Non-invasive harbor seal tracking: marker identification and individual genotyping from scat. Graduate Student Symposium, Scholars’ Week, WWU, Bellingham.
Blubaugh, J.** 2019. Impacts of mixed trophic interactions in the Southern Salish Sea: are seals saving the salmon? 23rd Meeting of the Society for Marine Mammalogy NW Student Chapter, Seattle.
Guilford, N.** 2019. Non-invasive harbor seal tracking: marker identification and individual genotyping from scat. 23rd Meeting of the Society for Marine Mammalogy NW Student Chapter, Seattle.
Heimnbichner-Goebel, W.* 2019. The effect of anthropogenic noise disturbance on day-time haul out patterns of harbor seals (Phoca vitulina). Student Poster Presentation, Scholars’ Week, WWU, Bellingham.
Heimnbichner-Goebel, W.* 2019. The effect of anthropogenic noise disturbance on day-time haul out patterns of harbor seals (Phoca vitulina). 23rd Meeting of the Society for Marine Mammalogy NW Student Chapter, Seattle.
McKay, M.* 2019. Effects of sport fishing on harbor seal hunting success. Student Poster Presentation, Scholars’ Week, WWU, Bellingham.
McKay, M.* 2019. Effects of sport fishing on harbor seal hunting success. 23rd Meeting of the Society for Marine Mammalogy NW Student Chapter, Seattle.
Aist, A.* 2019. Attitudes towards harbors seal presence in downtown Bellingham, WA. 23rd Meeting of the Society for Marine Mammalogy NW Student Chapter, Seattle.
Aist, A.* 2019. Attitudes towards harbors seal presence in downtown Bellingham, WA. Student Poster Presentation, Scholars’ Week, WWU, Bellingham.
Newmarch, M.* 2018. Feeding success of harbor seals in relation to hunting technique at Whatcom Creek. Student Poster Presentation, Scholars’ Week, WWU, Bellingham.
Aist, A.* 2018. Attitudes towards harbors seal presence in downtown Bellingham, WA. Student Poster Presentation, Scholars’ Week, WWU, Bellingham.
Aist, A.* 2018. Attitudes towards harbors seal presence in downtown Bellingham, WA. 22nd Meeting of the Society for Marine Mammalogy NW Student Chapter, Newport.
Voelker, M.** 2018. Cross-sectional scat sampling reveals diet heterogeneity in Salish Sea harbor seals. 22nd Meeting of the Society for Marine Mammalogy NW Student Chapter, Newport.
Newmarch, M.* 2018. Feeding success of harbor seals consuming adult salmonids in relation to hunting technique. 22nd Meeting of the Society for Marine Mammalogy NW Student Chapter, Newport.
Voelker, M.** 2018. Cross-sectional scat sampling reveals diet heterogeneity in Salish Sea harbor seals. Seventh Annual Graduate Student Symposium, WWU, Bellingham.
Voelker, M.** 2017. Investigation of how individual specialization relates to intraspecific competition in Salish Sea harbor seals. 21st Meeting of the Society for Marine Mammalogy NW Student Chapter, Vancouver.
Wachtendonk, R.* 2017. Are there rogue harbor seals in Whatcom Creek? The potential impact of harbor seals on a local salmon hatchery. 21st Meeting of the Society for Marine Mammalogy NW Student Chapter, Vancouver.
Wachtendonk, R.* 2017. Are there rogue harbor seals in Whatcom Creek? The potential impact of harbor seals on a local salmon hatchery. Student Poster Presentation, Scholars’ Week, WWU, Bellingham.
Benko, R.* 2017. Long-term monitoring reveals evidence of habituation to construction disturbance at a harbor seal haul-out site in Bellingham, WA. 21st Meeting of the Society for Marine Mammalogy NW Student Chapter, Vancouver.
Benko, R.* 2017. Long-term monitoring reveals evidence of habituation to construction disturbance at a harbor seal haul-out site in Bellingham, WA. Student Poster Presentation, Scholars’ Week, WWU, Bellingham.
Woodrich, D.* 2016. Effects of environmental variables on harbor seal (Phoca vitulina) occurrence at a seasonal foraging site in Bellingham, Washington. 20th Meeting of the Society for Marine Mammalogy NW Student Chapter, Seattle.
Woodrich, D.* 2016. Effects of environmental variables on harbor seal (Phoca vitulina) occurrence at a seasonal foraging site in Bellingham, Washington. Student Poster Presentation, Scholars’ Week, WWU, Bellingham. Outstanding Award.
Nikolich, K.** 2015. Temporal patterns of the breeding calls of harbour seals in Georgia Strait, British Columbia, Canada. 23rd Annual British Columbia Marine Mammal Research Symposium, Vancouver.
Spitzer, S.*, Keates, T.*, Kohnert, C.** & Rothstein, A.** 2015. A genetic analysis of sex-specific prey consumption in harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) and the implications for commercially important fish species in the Pacific Northwest. Student Poster Presentation, Scholars’ Week, WWU, Bellingham. Outstanding Award.
Teather, A.* & La Ferr, A.* 2015. Long term effects of development on Phoca vitulina numbers in Bellingham, Washington. Student Poster Presentation, Scholars’ Week, WWU, Bellingham.
Matthews, E.* 2015. Aggregative response of harbor seals and occurrence of rogue individuals relative to adult salmonid runs. Student Poster Presentation, Scholars’ Week, WWU, Bellingham.
Nikolich, K.** 2015. Characterizing the temporal patterns of the breeding calls of harbour seals in Georgia Strait, BC, Canada. 19th Meeting of the Society for Marine Mammalogy NW Student Chapter, Corvallis.
Akmajian, A.** 2015. Influence of prey choice, temporal and spatial variability on the concentrations of marine algal toxins detected in free-ranging sea lions from Washington State, USA. 19th Meeting of the Society for Marine Mammalogy NW Student Chapter, Corvallis.
Matthews, E.* 2015. Aggregative response of harbor seals and occurrence of rogue individuals relative to adult salmonid runs. 19th Meeting of the Society for Marine Mammalogy NW Student Chapter, Corvallis.
Spitzer, S.*, Keates, T.*, Kohnert, C.** & Rothstein, A.** 2015. A genetic analysis of sex-specific prey consumption in harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) and the implications for commercially important fish species in the Pacific Northwest. 19th Meeting of the Society for Marine Mammalogy NW Student Chapter, Corvallis.
Teather, A.* & La Ferr, A.* 2015. Long term effects of development on Phoca vitulina numbers in Bellingham, Washington. 19th Meeting of the Society for Marine Mammalogy NW Student Chapter, Corvallis.
Nikolich, K.** 2015. Characterizing the temporal patterns of the breeding calls of harbour seals in Georgia Strait, BC, Canada. WWU Graduate Conference, Bellingham.
Nikolich, K.** 2014. Characterizing the underwater vocal behaviour of breeding male harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) relative to ambient noise in Georgia Strait, British Columbia. WWU Graduate Conference, Bellingham. Best poster presentation.
D’Agnese, E.** 2014. Influence of maternal traits on pup-rearing success in harbor seals. WWU Graduate Conference, Bellingham.
Rothstein, A.** 2014. A non-invasive method for genetic re-sampling of harbor seals as a model for marine mammals research. WWU Graduate Conference, Bellingham.
Robayo-Krause, R.* & Matthews, E.* 2014. Temporal variation in aggregative response of harbor seals and occurrence of rogue individuals relative to adult chum salmonid runs. Student Poster Presentation, Scholars’ Week, WWU, Bellingham.
Moore, N.* 2014. Variation in numbers of harbor seals relative to human development. Student Poster Presentation, Scholars’ Week, WWU, Bellingham.
Keates, T.*, Rothstein, A.** & Kohnert, K.* 2014. Sex-specific prey consumption in Harbor Seals (Phoca vitulina): a non-invasive genetic study. Student Poster Presentation, Scholars’ Week, WWU, Bellingham.
Robayo-Krause, R.* & Matthews, E.* 2014. Temporal variation in aggregative response of harbor seals and occurrence of rogue individuals relative to adult chum salmonid runs. 18th Meeting of the Society for Marine Mammalogy NW Student Chapter, Bellingham.
Moore, N.* 2014. Variation in numbers of harbor seals relative to human development. 18th Meeting of the Society for Marine Mammalogy NW Student Chapter, Bellingham.
Keates, T.*, Rothstein, A.** & Kohnert, K.* 2014. Sex-specific prey consumption in Harbor Seals (Phoca vitulina): a non-invasive genetic study. 18th Meeting of the Society for Marine Mammalogy NW Student Chapter, Bellingham.
Nikolich, K.** 2014. Characterizing the underwater vocal behaviour of breeding male harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) relative to ambient noise in Georgia Strait, British Columbia. 18th Meeting of the Society for Marine Mammalogy NW Student Chapter, Bellingham.
D’Agnese, E.** 2014. Influence of maternal traits on pup-rearing success in harbor seals. 18th Meeting of the Society for Marine Mammalogy NW Student Chapter, Bellingham.
Rothstein, A.** 2014. A non-invasive method for genetic re-sampling of harbor seals as a model for marine mammals research. 18th Meeting of the Society for Marine Mammalogy NW Student Chapter, Bellingham.
Rothstein, A.** 2013. Non-invasive genetic resampling of harbor seals (Phoca vitulina). 17th Meeting of the Society for Marine Mammalogy NW Student Chapter, Seattle. Best poster presentation.
D’Agnese, E.** 2013. The effect of maternal traits on rearing success in harbor seals (Phoca vitulina). 17th Meeting of the Society for Marine Mammalogy NW Student Chapter, Seattle.
Olson, J.** 2013. The effect of human exposure on the anti-predatory response of harbor seals (Phoca vitulina). 17th Meeting of the Society for Marine Mammalogy NW Student Chapter, Seattle.
Winner, E.* & Stehr, E.* 2013. Aggregative response of harbor seals to adult salmonid runs and the occurrence of ‘rogue’ individuals. 17th Meeting of the Society for Marine Mammalogy NW Student Chapter, Seattle.
Winner, E.* & Stehr, E.* 2013. Aggregative response of harbor seals to adult salmonid runs and the occurrence of ‘rogue’ individuals. Student Poster Presentation, Scholars’ Week, WWU, Bellingham.
Moreno, K.* 2013. A tropical dolphin society. Seminar Honors, WWU, Bellingham.
Buzzell, B.* 2012. Diet of coastal river otters (Lontra canadensis) in the San Juan Archipelago. Student Poster Presentation, WWU Chapter-Sigma-Xi, WWU.
Cates, K.* 2012. The response of harbor seals to boat traffic under different levels of exposure. Student Poster Presentation, WWU Chapter-Sigma-Xi, WWU.
Stehr, E.* 2012. Aggregate response of harbor seals to adult salmonid runs and the occurrence of 'rogue' individuals. Student Poster Presentation, WWU Chapter-Sigma-Xi, WWU.
Buzzell, B.* 2012. Have coastal north American river otters (Lontra canadensis) chowed down on threatened fish stocks lately? 16th Meeting of the Society for Marine Mammalogy NW Student Chapter, Vancouver, Canada.
Cates, K.* 2012. The behavioral response of harbor seals to boat traffic under different levels of exposure. 16th Meeting of the Society for Marine Mammalogy NW Student Chapter, Vancouver, Canada.
Olson, J.** 2012. The effect of human exposure on the anti-predatory response of harbor seals (Phoca vitulina. 16th Meeting of the Society for Marine Mammalogy NW Student Chapter, Vancouver, Canada.
Stehr, E.* 2012. Aggregate response of harbor seals to adult salmonid runs and the occurrence of 'rogue' individuals. 16th Meeting of the Society for Marine Mammalogy NW Student Chapter, Vancouver, Canada.
Cates, K.* 2011. The response of harbor seals to boat traffic under different levels of exposure. 15th Meeting of the Society for Marine Mammalogy NW Student Chapter, Vancouver, Canada.
Andrews, K.* 2010. Diet of river otters in the San Juan Island Archipelago. 14th Meeting of the Society for Marine Mammalogy NW Student Chapter, Seattle.
Howard, S.** 2009. Using seasonal variation in individual energetic requirements to simulate energy use in a population of harbor seals (Phoca vitulina). 13th Meeting of the Society for Marine Mammalogy NW Student Chapter, Bellingham.
Howard, S.** 2009. Using seasonal variation in individual energetic requirements to simulate energy use in a population of harbor seals (Phoca vitulina). Fisheries and Marine Ecosystems 2009 Graduate Student Conference, Vancouver, Canada.
McFarland, S. A.** 2009. Influence of sex and body mass on harbor seal (Phoca vitulina) diving behavior: a novel analysis approach. 13th Meeting of the Society for Marine Mammalogy NW Student Chapter, Bellingham.
McFarland, S. A.** 2009. Influence of sex and body mass on harbor seal (Phoca vitulina) diving behavior. Fisheries and Marine Ecosystems 2009 Graduate Student Conference, Vancouver, Canada.
Thomas, A.** 2009. Selective foraging by harbor seals (Phoca vitulina): the importance of herring spawning and holding aggregations. 13th Meeting of the Society for Marine Mammalogy NW Student Chapter, Bellingham.
Vennum, C.*, Chomos, M.* & Hardee, S.** 2009. Seasonal variation of harbor seal core home ranges in the Pacific Northwest. Student Poster Presentation, WWU Chapter-Sigma-Xi, WWU.
Farrer, J.* 2008. Harbor seal haul-out sites in Bellingham: Implications for future development. Student Poster Presentation, WWU Chapter-Sigma-Xi, WWU.
Hardee, S.** 2008. Harbor seal movements and hot-spots in the Georgia Basin revealed through the use of satellite-telemetry. 12th Meeting of the Society for Marine Mammalogy NW Student Chapter, Vancouver, Canada.
Howard, S.** 2008. Using seasonal variation in individual energetic requirements to simulate energy use in a population of harbor seals (Phoca vitulina). 12th Meeting of the Society for Marine Mammalogy NW Student Chapter, Vancouver, Canada.
Luxa, K.** 2008. Diet of harbor seals in Padilla Bay and Drayton Harbor, Washington State. 12th Meeting of the Society for Marine Mammalogy NW Student Chapter, Vancouver, Canada.
McFarland, S. A.** 2008. Influence of sex and body mass on harbor seal (Phoca vitulina) diving behavior. 12th Meeting of the Society for Marine Mammalogy NW Student Chapter, Vancouver, Canada.
Banks, A.** 2007. Harbor seal abundance and habitat use relative to candidate marine reserves in Skagit County, WA. 11th Meeting of the Society for Marine Mammalogy NW Student Chapter, Seattle.
Farrer, J.* 2007. Harbor seal haul-out sites in Bellingham: Implications for future development. 11th Meeting of the Society for Marine Mammalogy NW Student Chapter, Seattle.
Hardee, S.** 2007. Harbor seal movements and hot-spots in the Georgia Basin revealed through the use of satellite-telemetry. 11th Meeting of the Society for Marine Mammalogy NW Student Chapter, Seattle.
Patterson, J.* 2007. Haul-out behavior of harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) in relation to tides. Student Poster Presentation, WWU Chapter-Sigma-Xi, WWU.
Reuland, K.** 2007. Habitat characteristics of harbor seal (Phoca vitulina) foraging locations in the Georgia Basin. 11th Meeting of the Society for Marine Mammalogy NW Student Chapter, Seattle.
Soda, J.* 2007. Alcid and cormorant foraging behavior in Burrows Channel, Anacortes, WA. WWU-NSF REU Presentation at Shannon Point Marine Center.
Banks, A.** 2006. Harbor seal abundance and foraging habits within and adjacent to candidate marine reserves in Skagit County, WA. 10th Meeting of the Society for Marine Mammalogy NW Student Chapter, Bellingham.
Luxa, K.** 2006. Food habits of the Pacific harbor seal (Phoca vitulina richardii) in southern Padilla Bay, WA. 10th Meeting of the Society for Marine Mammalogy NW Student Chapter, Bellingham.
Myhre, S.* 2006. Is coral reef recovery related to the increased presence of the long-spined sea urchin? Council on Undergraduate Research Posters on the Hill, Washington, DC.
Johnson, A.* 2005. The effects of human disturbance on a population of harbor seals on Yellow Island, Washington. Student Poster Presentation, WWU Chapter-Sigma-Xi, WWU.
Johnson, A.* 2005. The effects of human disturbance on a population of harbor seals on Yellow Island, Washington. Student Poster Presentation, 9th Meeting of the Society for Marine Mammalogy NW Student Chapter, Vancouver, CA.
Austin, M.* 2004. Acorn barnacle (Balanus glandula) size in relation to presence of predators. Student Poster Presentation, WWU Chapter-Sigma-Xi, WWU.
Banks, A.** 2004. Aggregative response of harbor seals to prey density at small spatial scales within a candidate marine reserve. Annual Meeting of the Washington-Vancouver Chapter, Wildlife Society, Port Townsend.
Johnson, A.* 2004. The effects of human disturbance on a population of harbor seals on Yellow Island, Washington. NASA Space Consortium Annual Meeting, Seattle.
Johnson, A.* 2004. The effects of human disturbance on a population of harbor seals on Yellow Island, Washington. NASA Space Consortium Fall Poster Session, Seattle.
Myhre, S.* 2004. Community status and conservation implications for the near-shore coral reefs of Manzanillo, Caribbean Costa Rica. Seventh Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, University of Washington, Seattle.
Myhre, S.* 2004. Species inventory and conservation implications for the near-shore coral reefs of Gandoca-Manzanillo Wildlife Refuge, Costa Rica. Student Poster Presentation, WWU Chapter-Sigma-Xi, WWU.